厳選された天然素材と緻密な手仕事によって、デザイナー・ヨーガン レールの美意識を凝縮したものづくりを追究し続けるブランド、ババグーリ。わたしたちはその根底にある哲学に深く共鳴し、ブランドの世界観を体感できる空間・時間をつつみこむ場を、京都は姉小路通、ババグーリ京都に向かい合う場所につくりました。⠀⠀

ヨーガン レールが好んで使った、インドのマルダの地で紡がれる絹糸、マルダシルクという黄金色の繭から名前をいただいたのは、私たちが紡がれる糸のようにしなやかで素朴でありながらも芯のある過ごし方を考え続けるため。⠀⠀





We are pleased to announce the launch of MALDA’s full website.⠀⠀

We invite you to visit us at:⠀⠀


MALDA – a cafe and small hotel inspired by Jurgen Lehl’s Babaghuri design and lifestyle philosophy, opens its doors across the street from Babaghuri Kyoto. The cafe has been open from July 23rd, and the long-awaited hotel will be ready to stay starting October 12th. ⠀⠀


MALDA is centrally-located (about a 15 minute train/taxi ride from Kyoto station), houses 3 private rooms located on the second, third and fourth fourth of our building. 60㎡ in size, each room expands across one floor and is available for up to 3 guests to stay. Two semi-double beds, one day bed, dining and kitchen area, bathroom and bathtub are included. ⠀⠀



Online booking of MALDA hotel will be available on our official website starting Wednesday, September 14th. Rooms will be available to stay from October 12th. ⠀⠀